By Frank Miller
DARE DEVIL BORN AGAIN – At the center of the web of deceit and corruption squats the spider — bloated on the blood of his victims. His movements may be slow and nearly hypnotic as he spins additional strands, or blindingly fast when a victim is entrapped. And this spider revels in the agony of its prey, in their frantic and futile attempts at escape as he ultimately descends on them to drain their life away.
I believe that arachnidian analogy holds when | think about the Kingpin, the villain of our piece. Consider his brooding, overwhelming presence as you read this powerful little collection. He has no costume, no superpowers, yet a more chilling vision of the malign | can’t imagine. Here is a creature of such unspeakable evil that his supreme pleasure is in the meticulous destruction of the one good man he has ever known – Matthew Murdock — the hero of our piece.