By Rosina S Khan
A BRIGHT AND UNIQUE SIBLING – There were the three of us, all girls, more like, “The three (female) Musketeers” always together, clothed in the same trio set of dresses, more like the triplet twins but we were not twins. My younger sister was a year smaller and my little sister by six years.
We felt great, being the trio for years. We were proud to tell everyone we came across in life, “Yes we are only three sisters and no brother!!” People liked looking at us while we passed them by. They saw us as special, and their thinking made us feel extra special.
Born with silver spoons and yet, our family was very economic and yet, still being economic we had everything we needed. There may been more influx of money into the family during some of the times than other times but yet, we were a happy family.
While we, the sisters were happy living together in the same bedroom, sometimes I would hear squabbles among my parents during the nights and I wondered what was wrong.
It distressed me to think that my parents had arguments over something I did not understand. But during the day everything was normal, my parents, happy and laughing with us. Surely, I knew that deep inside somewhere something must be wrong.
My Parents’ Decision
It was not until seven years later that we came to know there would be the addition of a new member to our family. Although my sisters took the matter lightly, I was deeply concerned.
Dad always made it look like he was in some financial crisis although he catered for all the necessary things, but asking for something just important (not just some fancy stuff) was so hard.
So, if there was going to be a new family member, that meant money
would be tighter for the family. But little was I to know Dad had actually all the resources to run a little bigger family as life was going to show.
He only liked to be economic. It was good in one way that he acted like that because by the time we were grown up, none of us sisters fantasized about holding on to a husband. We all wanted to be well established before we got married.
31 Pages
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