Acts of Apostles
Continues with Your Name
Acts of Apostles Continues with Your Name – Exodus 33:20-23″…. And I will take away mine hand, and thou shalt see my backparts:but my faces halt not be seen.”
A brief peep into the backs-side of God made Moses to know and to write the whole story of creation as if he was there.
David pressed deep into God until he saw and heard the discussion in heaven, “The Lord said to my lord, sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool”; talking about the final victory that Jesus would have after resurrection. Isaiah, Jeremiah, Zechariah, all prophesied about the coming of Jesus the Lord, the church age and the final battle of the saints and total redemption.
God has given knowledge to the sons of men that you can havea
common chip planted in you an dally our activities are recorded in a video, cctv’ sand other security gadgets area common thing in this age.
Remember the Lord’s Prayer”….. As it is in heaven…….”
How would you feel watching your own video from the day you were born to the day you gave your life to the Lord Jesus, then to your last moment on earth before you die!
All your secret moves,actions,activities,leisure,
discussions, everything you have ever done in this life, everywhere you’ve ever been and everyone you’ve ever spoken to, all recorded in a video. Remember God’s video includes your motive for every action.
XXVI Pages
Acts of Apostles Continues with Your Name
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