By Max Diamond

AMAZING CAT TALES – When I was a boy, the cats I knew had jobs, like regular folks. Orange Tom, my father’s favorite, and Tom’s gray-haired female companion worked in our dairy barn keeping mice out of the feed. They earned a splash of fresh cow’s milk twice a day.

It was a beneficial association, legitimate contract labor and one entirely appropriate to a cat’s inherent dignity.

Things change. I have a cat now. No barn. Only a cat. My cat, Silky the Siamese, has no idea that mice and feed don’t mix. Silky doesn’t work for a living, a thing I thought common in the feline world.

I have Silky, the unemployed cat, because I wanted my wife.

After I met this really smart, funny, and sweet-smelling woman, after we had snuggled in movie theaters and held hands across restaurant tables and undertaken other semi romantic adventures not requiring feline participation, she began to tell me more about herself, about her childhood, and about a female Siamese cat she’d had for more than twenty years. I learned Tammy, the cat’s name, not the woman’s, had recently gone to the Great Cat Heaven in the Sky.

The woman missed her greatly, and as she told me endearing stories of their two decades together, her eyes welled up with tears. Nothing will rearrange your opinion of cats like the smell of a woman’s hair when she sits on your lap and puts her arms around your neck, which is an activity not requiring feline participation.

Of course, the woman wasn’t my wife when I first noticed how nice her hair smelled. But I didn’t have a cat then, did I?



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