Armorer’s Diary
My Life in the Service
The Diary of Sgt. Charles Rood
772nd Bomb Squadron
463rd Bomb Group
Armorer’s Diary – In starting the lines about to follow, I must apologize for being unable to give a more detailed account of the events that have occurred to me from the time I left Atlantic City’s swank hotels for the open plains and snow covered
peaks of the “Rockies”.
Buckley Field and its armament school was enough to try men’s souls, with their rigid discipline, heartbreaking obstacle courses, and the fleeting nightmares of mathematics.
Afraid of being left behind, I struggled through, and my army career thus began in earnest.
The great replacement center at Salt Lake City, Utah was my home for three brief and hectic days. Records checked over and over.
More “shots” to grumble about. Excellent meals.
The powers that be put me aboard a train for Sioux City, Iowa, and I headed east into the great unknown future.
After an interview with Capt. Konald (then Lt.), C.O. of the 906th Guard Squadron, it was decided that I be placed in charge of the Squadron’s arsenal; a duty I performed to the best of my ability for one year.
Nothing unusual occurred at this base to make any significant changes in my life.
I made many friends during my year at Sioux City, and for several months I was quite content to let the world slide by as it was, and have others create new history by their valiant efforts on the battlefronts that covered the globe.
The life of comparative ease, however, began to pall and a desire to take a more active part in the war slowly began to form. Once started, the desire grew like Jack’s beanstalk, and soon I was haunting the doorstep of every officer in camp whom I thought could help push me overseas into a new and active arena.
54 Pages
Armorer’s Diary
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