Bregdan Chronicles Storm Clouds Rolling

Bregdan Chronicles Storm Clouds Rolling

Chapter 4

Bregdan Chronicles Storm Clouds Rolling – Jude was enjoying his new lifestyle. Although he didn’t think of himself as being pretentious, he liked to impress people who had known him in what he sometimes called his “white sock” days in college and before.

Supposedly, his brokerage concern had connections to a large British investment firm. Allegedly he monitored the market and noted promising developments before they became public knowledge. And, surprisingly enough, tips did come his way – cryptic phone messages and unsigned mail.

The latter generally delivered by courier. These tips he dutifully relayed to the London office and what happened to them thereafter he neither knew nor cared. He never was particularly interested in corporate espionage.

He did purchase notable shares of 144 stocks in various companies. This would give him a noticeable paper trail…useful to demonstrate a flow of income, and in keeping clean with the Security & Exchange Commission. For outward appearance, all he had to do was manage the New York office and collect gigantic commissions.

47 Pages

Bregdan Chronicles Storm Clouds Rolling

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