By Nicholas Dean

CARNAL INSTINCTMarch – The stale, smoky air of the bar eddied around me as I walked out into the cool night air. The door slammed shut behind me, blocking out the blaring music and conversation that had left me with a dull headache.

I pulled out a cigarette and lit it. After a long drag, I watched the smoke drift off to pollute the air. I hated smokers, which often made me wonder why I had ever started in the first place. I guess bad habits die hard.

I saw myself in the window as I stamped out the butt. Why was it that whenever I saw my own reflection I expected to see shimmering dark mist hovering around me? Was my dark persona noticeable to anyone but me?

I consider myself a fairly, good looking guy – 5’11”, dark brown hair, hazel eyes, medium build, slightly softened but still fit – but in no way anyone that would stand out in a crowd. I was reasonably certain that my inherent inner turmoil continued to be adequately concealed from everyone else.

I strolled down Main St. toward Lincoln Park. The street was dark, enveloped in menacing shadows cast carelessly from the dim streetlights. It was refreshingly quiet except for the gentle breeze rustling an empty trash bag along the curb.

I turned the corner at East Avenue B and encountered three men hovering over a car. Two of them quickly turned around, the other leaned casually against the door.

Intuition told me that there was something wrong. This part of town was not known to have much crime, but it wasn’t unheard of.

51 Pages


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