Chaos, Tales of a King 2

Chaos, Tales of a King 2

By Joana Acevedo Park

Chaos, Tales of a King 2Thomas – I am Thomas, Prince of Landford and as I see it, the rightful King.

As Amelia would say I am often misunderstood.

But it is all in the way you think about life.

Life is to be lived, to be cherished, not to sit by and watch it pass.

My life was meant to be great, and I will do anything and everything, so it be.

My wife Amelia became Queen in place of me while I was at battle.

I say in place because she is not the true heir.

She is not even my father’s daughter.

Upon my return, she had fully taken over, upon my Fathers request.

Amelia had no interest in reigning but assumed the role to please Father.

Amelia has been the love of my life since the moment I set eyes on her as a young maiden.

We were automatically drawn to each other.

I was the first to kiss her, the first to bed her.

She was mine and I hers.

We have an undying unconditional love for one another.

A love deeper than one would think considering all the changes between us.

I know I have shown mistrust with all my mischief but as Mother said we have a strong love, one that cannot be defeated by anything or anyone.

As a young lord, Father seemed to push me towards my studies and training, while my older brother David was allowed to do as he pleased. Father thought David would choose the throne naturally, but it was not in his nature.

Unlike David, I studied and trained for years because that was what a future king should do.

Many think my ambition to be King is for power, but it is not.

I just want what is due to me after all the preparation.

As a young boy, I would sit and watch Father, and I longed to do as he did.

Help the commoners, make Landford a beautiful place to live.

Father groomed me to be King, I believe he did so because he knew in his heart David had no interest.

I may have been Fathers second choice but the best choice overall.

The older we became; Father turned his view back towards David.

Father was destined to make him King of Landford. I ceased to exist from this moment on.

268 Pages

Chaos, Tales of a King 2

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