Worlds Collide
Worlds Collide – The members of this dreadful new military order consider that they have every right to attack anyone not confessing Christ’s name, whereas if they themselves are killed while thus unjustly attacking the pagans, they are called martyrs for the faith.
We do not maintain that all they do is wrong, but we do insist that what they are doing can be an occasion of many future evils.
The night sky was moonless and dark. The stars flickered faithfully, their distant yet tireless light reminiscent of thousands of + piercing the night sky.
The group sat around the opening of the Transportal like a troop of scouts around a bonfire. They spent hours reviewing other journeys with their new friends.
“I feel lucky to have come across you and to join your mission,” Tin said.
“I hope that together we will find the Universal Sign,” Copper agreed.
“Each of us brings individual natural strengths to the group,” Silicone responded hopefully.
Hydrogen gazed at the Transportal’s halo-like lights and asked, “Do you think that’s Earth’s Ka?”
“Interesting thought,” Silicone began. “Whatever this field of energy is and wherever it comes from, it always seems to be there like some immortal dimension of the planet.”
“Just as Akhenaten described the human Ka,” said Copper.
“But maybe only intelligent complex living organisms have a Ka,” Oxygen cautioned.
“Aren’t humans just a bundle of us?” Helium interjected.
“Okay, let’s assume we’re all right. If the earth’s Ka is always here and flows unceasingly, then the human Ka must be the same. Right?”
“If so, why are humans so confused about their existence? Why their idols, priests, prayers, offerings, and mummifications? Do only the richest see their Ka transcend to heaven after they die?”
Worlds Collide
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