Dan Sherman Space Guardian
All Worlds
Book Eleven
Copyright Colin James Platt 2014
Dan Sherman Space Guardian All Worlds Book Eleven – Message to Guardian database:
This message will be inserted later for security reasons.
This is Sionn, I am, at present, moving through the inaccessible regions, in my quest to find Debra. I want to conceal myself from whoever has taken Dan. I am in high cloaking mode, plus light suit, the mental side of my personality has been strengthened by Mannus himself.
I don’t usually put into thoughts, anything to do with my private life, but I feel that these recordings will play a major part in helping students to understand how the Guardians work.
I have, as you know, had an actual merging with Debra. I don’t know, at this time, where she is, but I feel she will go to somewhere where Dan would be familiar with. Dan, I feel, will be in a depleted state, he is being held in some region, where we can’t access.
There is no sign of Dan in any region of God, that we know of, therefore, I am going to concentrate my efforts on trying to locate Debra, although, I am not in the same mental state as Dan, I am, none the less, capable of reaching her. Students, of course, won’t be able to help at this stage, but if you have had any dream experiences about these on-going events, ‘before they happened’ then please contact database.
I am receiving a thought message at this moment, from the database, about this very same thing! A student (a young girl) has reported a sighting in her dreams, of a young woman, who resembles Debra.
I am going to transfer to her region and investigate. All I can say at this stage, is that this young girl, must be highly receptive, as the sighting is from the Higher-Mental region, or the Ethereal-Plane.
I arrive at the designated spot. I can see a young girl, who is transfixed with looking at a young woman, who is trying to get into a university building. I am now out of cloaking mode.
I ask her if she knows the woman. She said that she didn’t know her, but she wanted to make contact, but the woman won’t respond.
I am now receiving information from the database, that this young girl, is a potential Guardian, and has had many past lives teaching and meditating, in fact, she is similar to Dan. I continued…
‘How did you manage to get here?’
‘I have been here many times, but I haven’t been able to get into the building, just like this young woman. I wanted to see if she managed to get inside.’
‘You should know that this area is restricted to Higher- Entities.’
‘I know, but I have managed to get this far, many times, I just thought, I should message database about this woman.’
24 Pages
Dan Sherman Space Guardian All Worlds Book Eleven
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