Dan Sherman Space Guardian
All Worlds Book Ten
Copyright Colin J Platt 2014
Dan Sherman Space Guardian All Worlds Book Ten – Dan has been tricked by his mentor and friend Sionn, who was the Higher-Coordinator of the Guardian network. Sionn has managed to merge with Debra who is Dan’s alter ego. Deria, who is a higher being and Dan are going into the inner regions to track him down. Reeas, who is Dan’s wife, in his present lifetime and many past lifetimes, is also going,
Super Robots are decimating numerous worlds in five galaxies, but Dan knows he can’t fight them, until he gets Debra back; he also knows that Kallo the Dark Agent, although in isolation at a high security Astral prison won’t be able to interfere with their plans, his apprentice clones, on the other hand, will try anything to destroy Dan, and anyone, or any world, who they cannot control.
As student Guardians, you can help by logging on to Guardian database, in the dream state, onwards my friends.
Reeas and I, are now in the restroom, preparing to transfer by dream travel, to Axvious, which is in the Quintos-Galaxy.
As you students know, if a planet is too far away to travel by light ship, we can dream travel to the equivalent Astral world, and then transfer into our Astral bodies, and then transfer, or wake up, in the physical body, which is usually a clone.
I know you students, can understand all this, as you have access to the dream worlds, and can also access the Guardian-Database; many of you have also been of help while accessing the earlier recordings of my adventures in the Physical, Astral, Mental, Ethereal, and higher regions of God, plus, the thousands of sub planes in between, for this, I am eternally grateful, and that is the key, word my student friend; Eternity, we are all Eternal Beings.
Our physical bodies are now asleep in the rest room, but we, as soul, are now able to access
numerous places while dreaming; one place we frequently visit is the Room-of-Doors, it is a place where we can access our past lives.
Reeas, as you know, is the love of my life, or past lives, as we have been together many times before. Now, students, this is the situation: a fleet of super robot ships has attacked numerous planets in five Galaxies.
We have to get to a planet called Axvious in the Quintos-Galaxy; there is a Guardian base there, we then have to collect a
lightship and transfer to another planet called Rifion, where Super-Robots have already started to destroy the population.
What can we do with just one lightship? You say. We can link into many more ships from Axvious and also any other ships which we can contact. The trouble is I can’t contact Debra.
She is what I named the lightship; she is also the reason why we have to seek out Sionn. He used to be the Higher-Coordinator. He asked me to follow him into an inaccessible region where he used his powers to incapacitate me; he then somehow, managed to link into Debra, who was, at that time, part of my consciousness, and merge with her.
27 Pages
Dan Sherman Space Guardian All Worlds Book Ten
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