Dan Sherman Space Guardian
‘All Worlds’ Book Five
Dan Sherman Space Guardian – Reunited – Earth Base is the same, as usual. I am feeling pretty good as I check in. Reeas is over-the- moon. Sionn is his usual self, which is very sober, but even he can’t help smiling.
‘How did you know I could pull it off,’ I said?
‘I knew; let us just leave it at that.’
‘Where is Kallo, now?’
‘We believe he is with Mannus!’
‘Yes,’ he is being reprocessed.’
‘Can we expect to meet him again?’
‘Surely, Sionn said, ‘but in what manner, I don’t know.’
‘Do you mean, he could be totally different?’
‘Yes.’ Sionn said, ‘one can’t be near Mannus, and expect to be the same.’
‘Why was he allowed to get so out of control?’
‘I will just say, Karma, and let it go at that.’
‘He must have killed thousands.’ I said,
‘Much more than that, Dan, there comes a time when even the Guardians have to say enough is enough. The people will be reincarnated, but the effect from these experiences will linger a long time, also the agents working for Kallo are still out there and there will also be many apprentices.
The work goes on,’ said Sionn. All I want to do is Dance with Reeas! What Song, you ask. What about one from the old masters, you can pick whichever you want, they are all
OK, my student friends, please continue with your efforts to become Trainee-Guardians, it will be worth it. Trust me!
24 Pages
Dan Sherman Space Guardian ‘All Worlds’ Book Five
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