Forced Destiny Book One

Forced Destiny
The Destiny Series
Book One

Copyright© Harry Roldan

Forced Destiny Creeper – I awoke in a cold sweat. This was the third time this week I‟d had the same dream. Though it was more of a nightmare. It seemed to happen every other night. In the dream I am being stalked; by what I don‟t know: go figure.

All I know is that I try running from it but when the red eyes catch up to me everything’s blacked out. Then I wake up. I have heard people say that dreams are a way to tell you something.

Unless this dream is trying to tell me that some creep is going to throw a blanket over my head, then I don’t know what it means.

I sat up with my knees tucked against my stomach. I’d never been one to have recurring dreams. I thought about anything that could’ve triggered them but there wasn’t anything I could think of. What great help I was being to myself. The past two times I didn’t go back to sleep, so I knew that it was useless to even try to attempt it.

Oh, how I wanted to kick this dream’s ass. I ran a frustrated hand over my blood-shot eyes and groaned. Since I wasn’t going back to sleep, I tried to make a mental note on what I was going to wear to work the upcoming day. I didn’t have much but cherished all I did have.

Money was just making a comeback as currency and businesses were trying to re-establish themselves. Slowly but surely commerce would reclaim its place at the helm of society. And, of course, I was in the middle of it all, as so many people were.

126 Pages

Forced Destiny Book One

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