The Hills Went Boom!
A Novel
By Hank Acker
The Hills Went Boom! – January 1952, Hung bong, North Korea – The roar of the explosions was overwhelming, terrifying and deafening.
The six startled US Marines, each a newly minted Recon demolition man, looked at each other trying not to show any surprise or fear.
Equally terrifying and violent was the concussion, all of the men reacted clownlike, swaying and hopping sideways, foolishly looking at the huge plume of dust, rock and dirt they had just dislodged.
Covered completely with debris, their utility uniforms stiffened and went from green to ash gray. Weapons suffered the same effect of being coated with the ash of the explosion. The heat and force of the exploding C2 plastic explosive made a plaster of the debris and the surrounding ice and snow while exiting the mouth of the tunnel.
The next sound anyone heard was that of the mission leader, Corporal Jim Cunningham, yelling out the names of each of his demolition team. “Hayes, Cook, Morgan, Longo, Grazioso, Ormond, Sound off dammit. Doc, go check „em out.”
So went Recon Unit One’s mission number one, their part of the Korean War had officially begun.
452 Pages
The Hills Went Boom!
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