The Problem with Sylvestrina

The Problem with Sylvestrina

Author: Drake Koefoed

The Problem with Sylvestrina – Dave turned the Clarissa Marlene, a huge midwater trawler, and went upwind of a capsized sailboat. He got on 16. “Mayday Mayday Mayday.

This is the Clarissa Marlene calling the United States Coast Guard. We are approaching a capsized vessel at location …” He looked at the GPS and then read off the lat and long.

“Coast Guard helicopter G-9314 underway to that location, ETA 6 minutes.

Please inform.”

“Capsized sailboat. We are upwind of her, but unable to do anything to help survivors. We are a midwater trawler.”

“Do not allow any crew member to enter the water. We may need you to get out of the way if it appears your boat will drift down on the wreck. At this time, please take no action.”

317 Pages

The Problem with Sylvestrina


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