Grit Lawless
Author: F. E. Mills Young
“Grit Lawless” – “This job has grown. There has got to be a fourth in it, and the fourth must be a man. —You understand?”
The speaker, who was known as the Colonel, took the cigar he was smoking from his mouth the better to emphasize his words, and looked gravely into the serious faces of his audience. It comprised a man of middle-age, bearded, secretive, calculating; and one other. The other was little more than a boy.
By profession he was a mining engineer, by disposition a scamp, ready to plunge into any undertaking that promised adventure.
The boy’s head was bandaged where recently it had been broken for him, and he sat very quiet and silent, which was unusual; as the Colonel was wont to remark, he frequently talked too much. But he was not proud of his broken head and its consequences, so he held his peace.
Warmest Regards, Coyalita Linville
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