Morale A Story of the War of
Author: Murray Leinster
Morale A Story of the War of 1941-43 – ” The profound influence of civilian morale upon the course of modern war is nowhere more clearly shown than in the case of that monstrous war-engine popularly known as a ‘Wabbly.’
It landed in New Jersey Aug. 16, 1942, and threw the whole Eastern Coast into a frenzy. In six hours the population of three States was in a panic. Industry was paralyzed. The military effect was comparable only to a huge modern army landed in our rear….” (Strategic Lessons of the War of 1941-43.
Sergeant Walpole made his daily report at 2:15. He used a dinky telephone that should have been in a museum, and a rural Central put him on the Area Officer’s tight beam. The Area Officer listened drearily as the Sergeant said in a military manner: It spouted a flash of bluish flame.
Warm Regards, Coyalita
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