Lister’s Great Adventure
Lister’s Great Adventure – BARBARA’S REBELLION – Dinner was over, and Cartwright occupied a chair on the lawn in front of the Canadian summer hotel.
Lister’s Great Adventure – BARBARA’S REBELLION – Dinner was over, and Cartwright occupied a chair on the lawn in front of the Canadian summer hotel.
Great Expectations – My father’s family name being Pirrip, and my Christian name Philip, my infant tongue could make of both names nothing longer or more explicit than Pip. So, I called myself Pip and came to be called Pip.
Origin of the Sac and Fox Indians—Removal to Green Bay—Their subjugation of the Illini confederacy—Their attack upon St. Louis in 1779—Col. George Rogers Clark relieves the town….
The Last of the Chiefs: A Story of the Great Sioux War – The Train – The boy in the third wagon was suffering from exhaustion. The days and days of walking over the rolling prairie, under a brassy sun, the hard food of the train…
Jules of the Great Heart – A TRAGEDY OF THE SNOW – Manou stopped on a snow hill and looked back over the way he had come…
Last of the Great Scouts – The Old Homestead in Iowa – A PLEASANT, roomy farm-house, set in the sunlight against a background of cool, green wood….
GREAT ARTISTS – RAPHAEL RUBENS – MURILLO DURER – We are about to study Raphael, the most generally praised, the most beautiful, and certainly the most loved of all the painters….